No / why

Because it will scratch the table
Because overnight your bladder fills up with wee and you always need to let it out in the morning
I already told you - because it will scratch the table
Because we don't watch TV in the morning
Because I think it's important for your mental development
Because if you throw it on the floor then I have to clean it up
Because there is nothing wrong with this banana
Because it’s impossible to find a banana as tall as you are
Because we don't have any strawberries
Because we're going to the playground and you can't go naked
Because Nake Start is not a real person and you are
Because I want you to be safe in the car
Because it's not just about what I do, it's the other cars on the road as well
Because sometimes it's not because the cars are naughty, sometimes people just make mistakes
Because you still haven't got your strap on properly
Because that girl has been waiting for longer than you so it's her turn
Because I've been pushing you on the swing for a long time and my arms are getting tired
Because it's not kind to push people
Because it hurts me when you pull my hair
Because it's time to go home and have some lunch
Because Oreos are a treat, not real food
Because it's important to eat a variety of things so your body can grow and be healthy
Because it can get stuck in the mechanism and break it
Because that's the third time you've pulled your willy and I know that that means you need a wee
Because it takes a long long time to roll all that toilet roll back up again
Because I actually
don’t love love love to roll toilet roll
Because ants are living creatures too and we should be kind to them
Because this is a road and cars can come very fast around that corner
Because we as a society have decided that certain parts of the body are private
Because it's kind to answer when somebody asks you a question
Because I didn't throw Thomas on the floor, you did
Because we've already rung the bell once so ringing it again will make it seem like we are cross that Sylvie hasn't answered the door
Because Marcos is playing with that right now so I'd like you to wait until he's finished
Because that block is hard and it could’ve really hurt him
Because she's only a little baba and she doesn't understand about sharing yet
Because Mummy has finished work and she can't wait to see you so it's time for us to go home
Because I don't know what squish squash cabbage is so I don't know how to play it, you’ll have to teach me
Because I'd prefer you to watch something more enriching than the hamster going through the holes again
Because your mind is made up of what you put into it and it's my job to help yours become varied and rich
Because the episode is finished now and it's time for us to eat
Because you'll turn into ketchup if you have any more
Because even though your tummy might be saying "butter butter butter" I'm going to listen to my brain instead and give you fruit
Because it's important to be kind to your body and keep it clean
Because there's plenty of water in the bath already
Because that water is very hot so you might burn yourself
Because that was the third time you turned on the hot tap even though I asked you not to so bathtime’s over
Because I'm taking you out of the bath whether you're available or not
Because it's not good to go to bed with wet hair
I actually don't know why - okay you can keep your hair wet if you want
Because books are precious and we should take care of them
Because even if he's always happy it's still not kind to fling Mr Happy on the ground
Because even though you are doing so well with saving your wee-wees you sometimes still do them in the night
Because otherwise germs can grow in your mouth and make your teeth fall out
Because you need them to eat your food don't you?
Because Stripey Ellie has hard plastic bits and it hurts me when you whack me with him
Because you need to get plenty of sleep so you can be fresh and happy for our day tomorrow
Because if I weed on you it would make you itchy and your bed would get wet and uncomfortable
Because I love you.

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