hi there
I’m Adam. I’m a father, a writer, and a doctor. Not always in that order.
I learnt storytelling from my Irish family. Evenings were spent at the dinner table, weaving tale after tale from rich embellishments and outright fictions. If you ever come over for dinner, know that each story always begins: ‘did I ever tell you about the time…?’. No need to answer - you'll hear the story regardless.
I studied medicine and began training as an anaesthetist (‘anesthesiologist’, if you’re Americanly inclined) - but stories were in my blood so, against all sensible advice, I left anaesthetic training to write an as-yet-unpublished novel. Along the way I discovered poetry, Buddhism, and fatherhood.
I also still practice (I’m getting pretty good) as an anaesthetist. I live in London with my wife Laura, son Heath, and dog Sunny.
Say hi if you like.