Be a transmuter

Image: PowerThoughts Meditation Club

Image: PowerThoughts Meditation Club

When someone smiles at you for no reason, or wishes you a friendly ‘good morning’, it can really set your day up. That ripple of kindness propogates - you hold the door open for someone, you help a woman with her pram, and so on.

When someone is rude to you, pushes in front of you on the tube, that propogates, too. You shout at a colleague for a mistake they made. She goes home and takes it out on her husband.

Good and bad vibes spread like ripples.

The best thing you can be is a transmuter. Smile in the face of rudeness. Breathe when you feel angry, let it go, and bring calm and happiness in its place.

It’s challenging, it takes practice, but it’s worth it. Transmuters make the world a happier place.

HappinessAdam BarnettComment